Advanced Solana Development Concepts

Clockwork threads

Clockwork threads are an automation primitive for developing Solana programs. Essentially, we can use Clockwork threads to execute a series of instructions on our programs on a schedule or in the event of some trigger.

You can trigger the execution of your smart contract using the following "triggers":

Trigger ConditionDescriptionRequired Arguments
AccountStarts execution when an account's data changes.address: Account address to monitor. offset: Byte offset of account data to monitor. size: Size of byte slice to monitor (must be less than 1kb).
CronStarts execution based on a cron schedule.schedule: Schedule in cron syntax. skippable: Boolean indicating if invocation can be skipped during Solana network unavailability.
NowStarts execution immediately.None
SlotStarts execution when a specified slot passes.slot: The slot to begin execution on.
EpochStarts execution when a specified epoch becomes active.epoch: The epoch to begin execution on.
TimestampStarts execution when a specified Unix timestamp has passed.unix_ts: The Unix timestamp to begin execution on.
PythStarts execution when a price threshold is crossed.price_feed: The Pyth price feed account to monitor. equality: Equality operator (≥ or ≤) to compare the price feed with the limit price. limit: Limit price that triggers execution.

Creating automated cron jobs for the execution of your Solana programs opens up a world of new use cases, such as:

  • Recurring payments: Executes an SPL token transfer on a user-defined schedule
  • Token distribution: Mints a new token and sends it to a target user every 60 seconds
  • Subscriptions: Allows users to pay on a recurrent schedule

Below, I will walk you through what it looks like to create a Clockwork thread via cross program invocation (CPI) using the Anchor framework:

  let bump = *ctx.bumps.get("thread_authority").unwrap();
          clockwork_sdk::cpi::ThreadCreate {
              payer: payer.to_account_info(),
              system_program: system_program.to_account_info(),
              thread: thread.to_account_info(),
              authority: thread_authority.to_account_info(),
          &[&[THREAD_AUTHORITY_SEED,payer.key().as_ref() , &[bump]]],
      LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 10, // amount (0.1 sol)
      thread_id,              // id
      vec![target_ix.into()], // instructions
      trigger,                // trigger